Fondly Remembered

From Harry Foy's Book  'Growing up in Portadown in the Thirties and Forties'

Granuaille was the nickname given to a street singer who entertained during the Thirties. He was a tall, gaunt man who wore a battered hat and a long raincoat stretching to his ankles. He carried a sandwich board which proclaimed his latest hits such as "The Factory Girl". He would walk up and down the picture house queues selling song sheets at two pence. No matter what selection of songs he sang, he always ended up with his theme tune "Granuaille". I can still recall him singing.

"Her lovely hair hung down her back
and she was dressed in green,
and that was the very last sight I seen
of poor old Granuaille."

It was only years later that I discovered that Granuaille was a female pirate who sailed the west coast
Market Day in Portadown.

Street gangs and fogging orchards.

The wee shops.

Colourful vendors.

The Canon's trip.

The Butterfly.

Greenaway's ghost.

Summer on the Bann.

The Great Lemonade Robbery.

My first day at school.

The packman.

Even the dog understood the language.


Our House.

A long throw since skittles game was born.

The Gas Man Cometh.

In tune with the band.

Clubs and tickmen.

Donald Campbell Had nothing on us.

The Obinsville Cowboys.

Singing in the streets.

Such good sports.

The days of the sand quays.

The magic of Christmas.

Bombs - not sandwiches.

Skipping, football and cigarette cards.

Escape to the movies.

My first taste of plays.

Smuggling knew no borders.

The tale of the pigs.

Three brass balls.

Thanks for the memories.

First class show!.

Who could forget Mary Ann!.

Health remedies.

Going To The Dogs.


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